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"Mesdames et messieurs, nous avons l'honneur ce soir de vous présenter la nouvelle collection de Rammstein."
Live aus Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Pledge of Allegiance Tour 2K1
October 14th, 2001

Till Lindemann Vocals Jan. 4, 1963 |
Signature lockstep rhythms pounding and grinding harder then ever on "Links 2 3 4" ... grandiose string and keyboard arrangements conjuring more tragic beauty then ever on "Mein Herz Brennt", "Mutter" and "Nebel" ... the children's chorus on "Spieluhr" and the dark twisted humor of "Zwitter" (look it up) ...

Richard Kruspe-Bernstein Guitar Jun. 24, 1967 |
Ramms+ein Berlin, Germany 05-18-2001
1: 5/4 2: Mein Herz Brennt 3: Links 2 3 4 4: Feuer Frei! 5: Rein Raus 6: Adios 7: Mutter 8: Spieluhr 9: Zwitter 10: Weisses Fleisch 11: Sehnsucht 12: Asche zu Asche 13: Du Hast 14: Engel 15: Rammstein 16: Sonne 17: Ich Will 18: Halleluja 19: Pet Sematary

Flake, Ryan Shuck (ORGY) & Till |

Rammstein on the big screen! The new film by US action director Rob Cohen, xXx, gets off to a brilliant start: the story about the former extreme sportsman and secret agent Xander "xXx" Cage kicks off at a Rammstein concert in Prague to the sound of "Feuer Frei!". Xander is notorious for his dare-devil stunts and in the film he is commissioned to infiltrate the Russian underground organisation "Anarchy 99". xXx will be shown at cinemas throughout Germany from 17.10.2002.

Oliver Riedel Bass Apr. 11, 1971 |
On this occasion "Feuer Frei!" will be released on 14.10.2002 as a single from the soundtrack xXx (21.10.2002). The single contains exclusive bonus tracks, as the remix of Junkie XL (who's bouncing the charts with his version of Elvis' "A little less conversation") and two new "Feuer frei!" remixes by Rammstein. Furthermore, there will be - at Rammstein's special request - the Battery cover versions of "Du hast" and "Bück Dich" on the single. A lavish track list, ensuring that all Rammstein fans get their money's worth. The cover artwork of "Feuer Frei!" is not based on the "Conserving" Artwork of the "Mutter" album and the recent singles, but presents a new artwork of New York based artist Robert Longo. Feuer Frei! - from 14 October.
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