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After a long stint with Universal Records and three (3) full length albums, Stella has taken a differant direction with her current project WhoRse. Away from the Britney-esque persona that Universal Records had wanted her to presue, she's gotten back to her true self. Writing and recording music because she wants to, not because someone was telling her too. "It's like starting over with a clean slate," Stella Said when asked about the direction WhoRse was taking, "we've been been bunking it on floors for the past few weeks."
"To tell you the truth, I've been making it hard on myself for years. Getting in my own way, and then one day i decided to be honest with myself." She seems genuinely happy with WhoRse and where the band is going.
"The best advice i ever had, was this: If someone isn't meeting you, exactly in the middle, it will be a forecast for the entire relationship. My advice is to work on yourself, always, consistently, and it never fails." That advice clearly shows itself in WhoRse's music and her live preformance.
Even though Universal Records still owns the rights to the lyrics and music of SISTER SOLIEL, an accoustic set of SISTER SOLIEL tracks was played before each show on their first tour. Copies of her first studio album, DROWN ME IN YOU, were being passed out & autographed before & after the show. "I can't sell them. I have a box full, and don't know what else to do with them."
Call your local rock/alternative radio station and request WhoRse's amazing cover version of the classic hit "Horse With No Name."

February 17, 2003 "im like a woman posessed. im suffocating from this. seems like a way of life, i love you to death. feels like my heart has failed me, youre my addiction baby, when i take my last breath, i love you to death" i actually got to tell the person it was about them, recently. its weird, when the world of "in your head" becomes, a guy, looking at you, listening to you tell them " hey, i wrote this little ditty about you, called I Love You to Death. especially when they were hoping it would have been, "You", instead.
today, i am blue. if i saved every email or letter that started out that way, id have a book, of "i am blue". i cant tell if i hate or love, feeling somber, and sad. curled up in my bed. and wanting everyone to just go away. except my dog. xxx sad sad s.
February 15, 2003 the gig march 7 the joint march 16 the whiskey march 18
we have been submitted for the deconstruction tour, in the summer, and the hustler tour in the fall. if we get either, yes, we will be touring through everyone's neck of the woods, or close enough.
keep your fingers and toes crossed for us. xxx s.
February 11, 2003 apparently, we are booked at the whiskey on the 18th of march, and the dragonfly around the same time in march, i will keep you posted. xxx s.
Febuary 9, 2003 next showcase, at the gig, on march 7. 9:45pm. xxx stella
February 8, 2003 we have only played three shows here in l.a. but our priority right now, is to get a good agent. "I thought Universal swalled up Katharsis, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office still lists you as owner. Any words of enlightenment?" I own the name xxx stella
Febuary 1st, 2003 hey guys! great show we did last night. it was really dark though, and some loose chord, wrapped around my ankle,and then i tripped over, myself, and landed flat on my back, my shoulder maily, on stage. so im laying there, laughing hysterically, in the middle of "saliva", and just kind of went with it. rolled around on the stage, and some people actually bought it. yeah, she meant to do that. dork. duh. funny. classic moment. anyway, molly rocked that night, got alot of new members signed up. you wuz there with us in our hearts last night. got the mojo. xxx stella

January 20th, 2003
okay, so here is the scoop for the show at " the gig" on melrose in l.a. on january 30th. we go on 9:30 sharp. YOU MUST BE 21. im so sorry to all our under agers, it sucks. but they are HARDCORE id mongers. i didnt have an id, the last time i played there, and i had to wait outside, until i went on, and then immediately sent back outside after the performance. i had no idea who was there. I COULDNT GET INTO THE VENUE!! anyway, im sorry. for those of you, who can come, you need to make a little invitation, that says, "im here to support horse", really, on a little square of paper is fine, nothing shmansy, in order to get in for a reduction. its $5 with this invitation. hope to see some of you there. its going to be a big night for us. we finished the album. its being mixed as we speak. and it sounds bad ass. i cant wait for you to hear. it will be made available immediately, on molly's site, you will be able to place orders there. love you guys. stella xxx
News from Stella:
January 13, 2003
right now, just the show on the 30th at the gig on melrose. but we are booking one at the viper room, early february, and i think we will be doing another show at the gig, on february 27. make sure you post close to the show so i can put you on a guest list as a media guest. you are 21 right?
January 11, 2003
And about Stella's wedding dress?
"its ivory satin, empire waist, sleeveless. short train, and very very light, no layers. very simple, juliet style. could almost wear it again. it doesnt look like a wedding dress. i love it!"
January 4, 2003 so i was sent this digest from a friend of mine, as a joke. it was something like angrypsychos or something like that. anyway, i was reading about poe, who i like very much by the way, and all of a sudden i see this strand about me. it was really nasty. one guy said he had first hand experience with me, and that i lied in court..., etc. ive never been in court. and i certainly dont know the bloke. anyway, i just wanted to tell you that, this is a very nice list of people. thank you. did anyone watch the special on alanis morissette on vh-1. god. i felt for her. 30 million records. i can only imagine the craziness she must have dealt with. it almost made her quit. shit. i almost threw in the towel, and i didnt have to deal with a quarter of bullshit she did. its amazing what people dont see, behind the curtains and doors. i thought it ironic, not to sound too alanis here, that an interview i did, scored me on their babe-o-meter. i got a measly 7. which translated as "she's not the best looking fake blonde on mtv, but she's better looking than alanis morissette." i thought it was funny. so i end all my email with that. it made me laugh. but now that ive been thinking so much of her these past few days. i would like to set the record straight. i think she is absolutely beautiful. so i now consider my measly 7, a whopping 10, even a spinal tap 11. im in a funny mood tonight. going for sushi with the hubby. our wedding is in chicago in july. i bought my dress today. its beautiful. xxx stella January 2, 2002: so, we got a tour in april. i cant say with who yet, but its going to be great. we have a huge show on jan. 30 at the gig, here in l.a. if anyone ever thought of road tripping it to l.a., the would be the one to see. lots of good stuff happening, and i think you know by now, that if i mention something like that, I AINT KIDDING! we wrote some new songs, 1. half a human 2. sapharine 3. saliva 4. this heart's ease they will be on the album. i cut off all my hair again. its about an inch long. its now chestnut, ginger, and gold. xxx s
December 30th, 2002. so, we are finally done with our pre-production. we are going in the studio for two weeks starting jan. 6. the record will be mixed, mastered, and delivered, march 16. there will be a two month set up, and it will be released april/may. beginning of second quarter. i will get you guys early comps. its exciting. its awesome. we have written 5 new songs since back from iowa. the track listing is up to 10 songs now. still not sure if its an e.p. or full length yet. but you all can thank molly for the artwork. she came up with our logo and artwork cover. we'll keep you posted. xxx stella
December 14th, 2002. we are shooting for 5 shows in january. the 30th for sure, already confirmed. we are rehearsing religiously, about 5-8 hrs a day,and we go into the studio next month to finally record the album. my brother is coming in to produce the album,along with kentaro takahashi and damon williams, on the 25th of december. we have been working our asses off. i will definately keep everyone posted as we confirm the shows. xxx stella
October, 2002 Currently, Whorse is busy recording its debut album, which is being produced by long-time Katsoudas family friend Kentaro Takahashi and John Katsoudas, Stellas brother. The fruits of the labor thus far are five tight tunes sporting simple rock-n-roll elements: a raging cover of Americas "Horse with No Name," taking the classic tune to an entirely new level of aggression and dynamic; the heavy groove of "5 Days;" the interweaving of Stellas supple vocals and the bands fury in "Beautiful Violence;" and the angst of "Tragedy."
Did you know ...
Stella recorded a track in New Orleans at NOTHING STUDIOS with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails? The track was to be featured on the STIGMATA soundtrack, but was dropped at the last moment.
Stella also recorded SILENT NIGHTMARE for the 2000 Universal Records Christmas CD.
Stella has also worked with ChemLab, 16 Volt and recorded backing vocals on MINISTRY's FILTH PIG.
Tainted Imagez is proud to be one of the first fan sites to feature live WhoRse photos.
"You go through alot of weeds before you come to a flower. I think i heard this on a chem-lawn commercial." Stella on finding the 'right one'.
Thoughts from Stella. Stella on Avril Lavigne: "Why doesn't this girl ever smile? avril kinda broods all the time, or looks like it. which is fine, i mean, fiona apple is a brooder, and she makes brooding attractive. (fucking love fiona apple). but i dont get a brooding punk? it kind of goes against punk altogether right? isnt punk angst, raging, spitting spewing energy? hey but what the fuck do i know? im a industrial/goth-queens- of- the-stoneage -loving-NIN-fanatical-rocker who did a pop record. i guess we all get confused at some point."
Stella on No Doubt: "you know who made a really fun pop record, that i thought was brilliant, NO DOUBT. their record, got to where i thought an alternative rock artist could cross over to pop. Gwen rules."
"so today, this guy told me a mentionable quotable... might as well live well, noone gets outta here alive in the end."